The "Academy" tab allows you to completely manage your academy.
Shows a list of all players in the academy
Notice View button
Displays the current academy notice.
Accept all academy invites
Accept all incoming academy join invitations
Accept academy invites from the list
Only accept academy invites if they come from a player that is in the "Accept / Invite" list.
Invite all players
Invite all players near you to the academy.
Invite only from the list
Invite only the players in the "Accept / Invite" list.
Show academy invites
Show a dialog with the academy invite details in the bot.
Accept join invitations
Enables accepting join invitations.
Invite players to the academy
Enables inviting other players to the academy.
Auto graduate from the academy
Auto graduates your character from the academy when you are level 40 and above as an apprentice, or level 60 and above as an assistant.
Refuse invites from players not in the list
Denies invites from players not in the list
Graduate level
Level an academy member must be before graduating them
Allows you to set a password a player must PM you with before they are accepted into the academy
Accept / Invite List
The list the bot will use for accepting academy invites and sending out academy invites.
The title to use when forming the academy matching.
Auto form academy matching
Automatically forms the academy. It will reform every 10 minutes.
Allows you to choose the type of matching
View Matching
View the academies in the matching system.
Join academy #
Join an academy by its academy matching number.
Auto join matching by player name.
Auto join matching by title.
Last updated