The "Players" tab shows you a list of all players near you. It also has options for tracing other players in game.
Player list with all their items
This window shows you every player nearby and the gear they are wearing.
Refresh button
Refreshes the player window.
Clear button
Clears the player window to free some memory.
Party Invite
Invites a selected player to a party.
Academy Invite
Invites a selected player to the academy.
Guild Invite
Invites a selected player to your guild.
Union Party Invite
Invites a selected player to a union party.
Player to trace
The name of the player to trace.
Refresh button
Refreshes the list of players around you.
Start tracing
Starts tracing the chosen player.
Stop tracing
Stops tracing the chosen player.
Attack monsters
Attacks monsters while you are tracing the player
Kill all monsters before tracing
This can be very useful for clearing out instances.
Cast buffs while tracing.
Party buffs
Cast party buffs while tracing.
Pick items
Pick up items while tracing.
Game trace
Use the in game trace mechanism instead of walking to the players coordinates
Last updated