
The "Players" tab shows you a list of all players near you. It also has options for tracing other players in game.

  1. Player list with all their items

    • This window shows you every player nearby and the gear they are wearing.

  2. Refresh button

    • Refreshes the player window.

  3. Clear button

    • Clears the player window to free some memory.

  4. Party Invite

    • Invites a selected player to a party.

  5. Academy Invite

    • Invites a selected player to the academy.

  6. Guild Invite

    • Invites a selected player to your guild.

  7. Union Party Invite

    • Invites a selected player to a union party.

  8. Player to trace

    • The name of the player to trace.

  9. Refresh button

    • Refreshes the list of players around you.

  10. Start tracing

  • Starts tracing the chosen player.

  1. Stop tracing

  • Stops tracing the chosen player.

  1. Attack monsters

  • Attacks monsters while you are tracing the player

  1. Kill all monsters before tracing

  • This can be very useful for clearing out instances.

  1. Buffs

  • Cast buffs while tracing.

  1. Party buffs

  • Cast party buffs while tracing.

  1. Pick items

  • Pick up items while tracing.

  1. Game trace

  • Use the in game trace mechanism instead of walking to the players coordinates

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