Union Party
Union Party is something that was added a few years ago to Silkroad. It allows you to combine up to 3 additional parties to your current party. This can be useful for Fortress War and gaining more EXP if there are tons of monsters in a particular area. Otherwise you should use the normal party system with 8 players total. It requires a Union Party scroll that can be obtained from the Guild Storage NPCs.
Union Party #1
Lists all players in the first union party
Union Party #2
Lists all players in the second union party
Union Party #3
Lists all players in the third union party
Accept union party invites
Automatically accepts union party invites based on the accept list.
Invite players to the union party
Automatically invites other players to a union party based on the invite list.
Union Party Type
The types are exactly the same as in the game.
Invite list
Accept list
Last updated